A Coach for the Coach
Matt Finnigan is an awesome guy. He is one of the most positive and amazingly dedicated high school coaches I have ever heard of, let alone had the opportunity to work with. I hope he doesn't mind, but this is part of the post region meet email he sent out to his swimmers. I think I am the one who will benefit from it the most. So yes. Matt is also an amazing coach and mentor and inspiration for this coach. Me.I would just like to say that despite the so called"shortcomings" some of you may have encountered on this day, we areindeed on the right track. This was a Region Championship meet, notthe meet we've been working all season for. You need to trust thattrack and stick to it. This is not a time to wallow in a corner andwish for better days. This is a time to stand up for yourself, standup for your teammates and make a stand for the fire I know thatresides inside your belly. Welcome and embrace the challenges ahead!This is just the sort of obstacle that allows one to find out justwhat kind of person you are, and the person you aspire to be in thelife you lead forward. There are many successful people in this worldwho, by all counts, should not be successful if the pundits hadanything to say about it... Some, perhaps, live with these obstaclesevery day, and though they've certainly wavered to and fro enoughtimes to count, they've NEVER been one to back down from the so-called impossible, despite circumstances that sometimes appear tooextreme. My own daughter Lily, whom many of you have gotten knowquite well, is a living example of that...There are a gazillion stories just like the ones I know ofpersonally, and there are a gazillion more that happen every day. Allit takes is for people to dare to be courageous and to strive to dothe best they can given the circumstances. Time and time again, wewitness adverse times bringing about growth and self awareness, andwith that, content in one's life. That in itself, tends to be a muchmore meaningful and educating experience than simply showing up andwinning every dang race without much thought or struggle.The question for you all now is, are you courageous enough to step upin what could be deemed as an adverse situation, and find out who youreally are??I have a distinct feeling--as many folks I talked to today willconcur---that the fine and loving individuals who make up this team,are indeed up to the challenge... that this particular team wants toknow just what sort of heart it has beating inside.All the best,Matt FinniganI am going to read this every day until I live up to the potential I know is burning inside of me. I have had a lot of obstacles and shortcomings and right now I have slept two nights in about 3 months and have become quite ill from it. I am going to overcome this as well as all of my other demons. I want to be like Matt and inspire and grow and take everyone I possibly can up that mountain with me. Thanks so much Matt. Little did you know how much this girl needed your advice.