A Day Just For Me

Sometimes I get so caught up in being the people pleaser. I find that when I get busy, the first thing to go is my own self care. For the past couple of months, I found myself in an extreme form of that scenario. I was getting less and less sleep. Eating lower quality foods, not taking vitamins, forgot about juicing vegetables, rarely got massages or even took time to breathe. So as with any other time this has happened, I ended up with an injury. It seems it is my body's only way of getting me to slow down.YOU WOULD THINK I WOULD LEARN! I do, I really do, but I forget fast too.I am so lucky. This injury which can take many months to heal really is on the accelerated program to wholeness. Each day is better and better. So the last few days, I have been able to ride my bike on the road. I was so scared, but again each time was better than the last. Just short trips. To yoga, to swimming, to my gym where I work.Today I got brave. I had the whole day finally with no clients, no responsibility until the evening which I am spending with Canyon. So I went on my favorite ride in the whole wide world. I rode up Big Cottonwood Canyon on my mountain bike. I rode up Guardman's Pass, and then I rode the Crest. What a wonderful day to do it. There was very little wind. I saw two people total! I love Monday mornings! I had the wildflowers and the butterflies and the most beautiful blue sky all to myself. I rode from there into Millcreek Canyon. Here, there were a few more people, but of course that was okay. I rode and enjoyed with the thought always in the back of my mind to protect my achilles, but it was okay!!! I zipped down the Canyon and hooked onto pipeline and flowed all the way down. Back to the canyon road I pedaled back home. It been soooo long since I have done Super Crest. I felt as though I had come home to my joy. The real reason I love to ride. I love nature and serenity and pushing my body.So my ankle is a bit stiff tonight. I iced, I made my juice, I read a little. Then I picked up my son.I think I need to have a day just for me more often.


Game On!

