Anyone need a puppy?

So if anyone needs a really cute 10 week old labrador puppy, you've found the right place. I have six of them that need homes. They are AKC registered, guaranteed not to have hip or eye problems and are the cutest little things you've ever seen. So having one big dog and 6 little ones is cute. Having 7 big dogs is not. So please help me!Oh ya, the cross race. Yep. The legs worked despite feeling completely mangled from my crashes yesterday. No crashes today either. Guess that's lucky I got them over with when no one was there to hear the stream of profanity that sometimes escapes in those situations. I just need to learn to gun it from the start. My head still thinks it's in a 4 hour+ half-ironman race.The course was awesome. I had so much fun on it. I just wish my ADD wouldn't kick in while I was racing because I managed to get myself lost again. The sad thing was that it was on the 3rd lap. How do I get lost on a course I warmed up on and then had raced 2 laps? It takes a very "special" person.



