Happy Thankful Day

This is a hard time of the year for me to count my blessings. Perhaps this is why they put the Thanksgiving Holiday now?So, I've got to unload some gripes first:-Tri season's over :(-It's cold (ran an hour this AM in single digit Park City chill) :(-Yep, winter's a comin' :(-It's hard to be a single mom :(Okay, now for good things!:-I get to race the last cross races of the season! :)-There is no shortage of hot tubs, saunas, tanning beds, hot showers,etc., to use after freezing cold workouts-or any break I happen to get :)-Abby is teaching me to skate ski this winter. I am finally going to dig mytele's out again for some good ski touring--hit me up if you want to go!--Oh ya! That's if we get snow--Otherwise, we just may be riding the Crest all winter. In that regard, hit me up if you want a good biking buddy :)-My son, Canyon, rocks :)-I have the coolest friends in the world, all over the world :)-I have the coolest clients in the world :)-I get to kick Judge Memorial swim team's ass dryland training, and they in return are kicking mine into swimming fast-watch out next season! :)-I got to have Thanksgiving breakfast this morning with Art since he had to work tonight (no turkey in sight!). I didn't have to eat Thanksgiving dinner. Nope, no pretending to eat turkey (hoping there's a dog nearby) or pretend to like other too high carb and fat dishes. :)-Yep, life is good! :)




To Further Prove...