New Age Athlete

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Manduka Ambassador of the Month

Ourtdoor Retail Show yoga demonstration

Ourtdoor Retail Show yoga demonstration svarga dvijasana (Bird of Paradise Pose)

I love practicing and teaching yoga more than just about anything.  Over the last few years I have cultured a wonderful relationship with Manduka which is a poster child yoga mat and prop company built on community inspired marketing. I first became an ambassador for them as I had purchased a mat the Eko Light which I still use daily years later.  Their company is growing beautifully.  I am so happy to do what I can to help them thrive. The humans behind their business are conscious and ethical beings.  Manduka just chose me as their yoga ambassador of the month. This makes my heart shine! It is my wish and hope that I can touch and create a positive influence on as many lives as possible.A few months ago I had the opportunity to spend several days with a some of their corporate members as I demonstrated for them and taught yoga classes at the Outdoor

Altra Running Treadmill challenge. The end of one of my days demonstrating I couldn't help myself! I had to try out my new Hoka One-ones as part of the treadmill challenge. I ran a 5:46 mile with zero warm-up on a simulated Boston Marathon Heartbreak Hill course!

Altra Running Treadmill challenge. The end of one of my days demonstrating I couldnt help myself! I had to try out my new Hoka One-ones as part of the treadmill challenge. I ran a 5:46 mile with zero warm-up on a simulated Boston Marathon Heartbreak Hill course!

Retail show in Salt Lake City, UT.I was thrilled for the opportunity to help them and give back some of the LOVE they give so many.  Among the many fun experiences I had during this week was I was introduced to my new favorite yoga towel. It is called the Ombré eQua Plus Towel It is light weight, beautiful and my absolute must have for sweaty yoga classes.  Most yoga towels I slip on unless they are wet. This one I feel solid dry or sweaty. I am in LOVE!  When I teach my students this towel is my number one recommendation. Thank you Manduka!  Namaste

OR Show Vasisthasana (side plank variation)

OR Show Vasisthasana (side plank variation)

Janu Sirsasana (head to knee forward bend)

Janu Sirsasana (head to knee forward bend)