New Age Athlete

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Rachel's Mid January Wish List

So sometimes as part of my reality check, I have to figure out the things that are working for me and things that are not. Things that are working, I am grateful for. Things that are not, I am grateful I notice and I am trying to take the initiative to change.Things that are not working=wish list=I will soon make work:Yep folks. For the first time ever in the history of Rachel's life this time around, I have struggled to get myself to do my workouts. In the past, I have done my workouts + enough for 5 other people. Can I please quit being a pendulum swinger?!?! Thank you to those--mainly Art for giving me a swift kick in the Ass to get going. Anyone knows that when I don't get my endorphins, I turn into grouchy Rachie. So sorry to any of you effected by this. Antidote. Simply throw running shoes, a bicycle, or anything that gets me outside at me and don't let me come back in until I'm 'better'.My living situation. For the last few months I have been living in a cute little condo in Park City. A. I am lucky. B. I am having a difficult time with it. My work, and everything else I know is in valley. What this means is I leave PC in the dark and get home in the dark. Equals no where to go mid-day when often I have a break in clients. I hate driving instead of riding. I can't afford the gas. I never see my friends. Driven too many scary snowstorms to count already this year. Solution is I either need to find a place to train/massage at least part time in Park City area, or move back down to valley. So if anyone knows of a nice place that needs renting that allows a dog in East side of valley or a place in PC that would love me working with them, send me an email or call!!!My eating. This one is all me. Little miss all or nothing has done a bit of this eating wise, but mostly I have completely gone astray from my cherished healthy eating habits. I seem to like nibbling on crackers and pretzels and starburst jelly beans and drinking coffee all day long lately. This is a far cry from a girl who has been obsessed with healthy eating since I was 10. Read 100's of books on the subject. Has literally saved people's lives by helping them change lifestyle patterns. Is a walking encyclopedia on the subjects of juicing, cleansing, water, raw, vegan, vegetarianism, etc. etc. So what the hell is wrong with me??? I've turned into a hypocrite! Not to mention my already dry skin is now complete alligator skin, I have no patience (never was a virtue of mine), and it is not helping my mood, health, or ability to sleep. Yep HTFU Rach!Oh ya, while I'm at it. I need baby-sitters!!! Canyon is sick right now and of course his school won't let him come back until he is better. His dad is unwilling to help out unless it is convenient for him which is almost never is. What this means is I had to cancel my evening clients today and may have to tomorrow if I don't figure something out which = no money = frustrated mommy. So. If anyone knows anyone who likes to baby-sit the cutest and most entertaining 3 year old (my little wild man), let me know! I'll hire you!!So things that are working (can't leave these out). Good friends. All of my basic needs are met-just not my selfish, idealist, perfectionist Rachel needs. I get to race for the most awesome biking team, Monavie/Cannondale, on the face of the planet. I am looking forward to the best season ever next year!!!! I am learning a new winter sport. Skate Skiing. I have a love/hate relationship with it right now, but once I get the hang of it, watch out world (Strong legs, good VO2 max, great core strength--I'll be there with the best of you soon!). Right now I'm just great entertainment with falls, cursing, and five year-old passing me. And I got a last minute run in tonight and watched a beautiful sunset while I was at it before I headed up the hill will my little sick Canyon. Now that was lucky too!