Scofield Results

Scofield Resevoir in Central UtahWahoo! Finally another win. Perhaps anything after Downieville feels easy?!? The Scofield Olympic distance tri is one I tend to do quite well at. I think mostly because it is typically hot and the elevation is over 7000 ft with some good climbing on the bike. This equals good for me! Two years ago I won, last year I was second, and this year I won by over 7 minutes! It was a beautiful day and it was one of those that I knew I would win before it even began! Gotta love it!Top end of the long transition zone with a peek of the swimClosest to a podium shot I got. Ramon and Gene! I need your photography skills!Unfortunately I do have a few gripes about the promoters. Typically they are great, but this year they cut a few too many corners. First, I had to pay more for my campsite which I wouldn't have minded, but when I got there, they gave me the run-around for an hour trying to find the ONE person who knew which was mine. Not what I necessarily want to deal with when I have a race early the next morning. The day before, I stopped by 15 minutes after the time started to pick up my registration. I was 3rd in line, yet it took me 45 minutes to pick up my packet because they weren't ready. Then, after I killed myself in the race, waited in the hot sun for the next 3 1/2 hours for the awards ceremony just to receive a medal?!? Last year and the year before they had a payout as well as a complimentary entry for the winner into next year's race. This year with lots of corners cut, more people racing at a higher entry fee, and no prize purse. As much as I like this course, I also don't like it when they don't appreciate the athletes who pay a lot of money and time to go to races. I feel as though next year I will be best off racing somewhere else.This brings me to another series of races with a company who has NEVER let me down. Over the past couple of seasons, the XTERRA series put on by Team Unlimited out of Hawaii has become my new love affair in racing. I have raced everything from the local trail run series to the world championships held each year on Maui! Each race has been tough (you definitely find out what you're made of!), yet completely professionally put on and my loyalty to the promoters grows with each race! Anyone and everyone who can possibly make it, I highly encourage you to come out and join me to race at the Mountain Region Championships (yes! it is a World's qualifier) in beautiful Snowbasin above Ogden. If you don't swim, check this out! Xterra has launched the Xduro series and me being such a trail runner am just aching to race one. They are off-road half marathons! They even have a the inaugural national championship in Bend, Oregon and Worlds at Kualoa Ranch on Oahu in Hawaii! This is where Jurassic Park, Lost, etc. were filmed! You can't get much more beautiful a venue than that!!!! Because the trail run is the same time as the Xterra, I obviously can't do both, but I'll be at Nationals and Worlds for sure! Email me if you have questions. When there is a company, product, or anything out there that is that amazing-just ask about my coconut fetish :) I just can't promote Team Unlimited enough. They take care of all of the athletes. Think FAMILY. That is how each person is treated. Perhaps it's their Aloha way?



