New Age Athlete

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Seattle Came to Visit....and Extended Her Stay....

Here in the 801, June is typically HOT with the occasional summer rain shower a welcome blessing (just so it is not on race day!) This year Mother Nature decided to mix things up a bit. So starting right around June first, it began to rain. Okay. This is cool. Then it kept raining, and raining, and raining. After the first week, most were saying, okay, sun? And it kept raining and raining, and then I get word from my friend in Seattle that it is sunny. Hmmm....getting worried. Way too many rides and runs in the rain and mud.I am beginning to feel a bit Januaried. Not good. Each winter when it is dark and gray, I swear I am moving, but then the sun comes out. And I stay. But this year, I was beginning to think Seattle was looking pretty good. I thrive on sunshine. My entire aura and energy is maintained by sunshine and hugs. By week three, I was done. Bail out plan A, B, C, and D were in the works. I can't handle being injured and sick and dealing with gloomy gray skies. But then today happened.The sun came out. The weather warmed, and I saw the valley so beautiful. More than ever. Lush and green and calm. Sweet. Seattle went home. My mind is clearing, my heart is dreaming, and I am remembering. I have been down before. When I came back, it was so beautiful and wonderful. I will be back soon. The sun is coming out. When it fully shines, it will be the greatest and most beautiful moment to infinity I have yet experienced!Rise and Fall, Ebb and Tide. This is the way of it.