so about my week

So I still seem to lacking the motivation, time, I dunno why I don't post much lately? But anyway, here are a few highlights about my week. Mostly it had to do with a fantastic Saturday of kicking my own ass.So Friday between working I spent my time getting my bike ready. Thank you soooo much Matt for helping me get the poor thing dialed! As per my pre race usual, I was opening a young coconut, got distracted my my adorable little son, and instead of hitting the coconut with my machete (I like to call it my weapon!), I got my finger instead. So as soon as the blood came, I was super worried about Canyon seeing it and freaking out. Nope, the little stinker just said, "Cool Mommy, real blood!" Needless to say, I almost fainted. So two hours, a trip to the outpatient emergency clinic, and a tetanus shot later, I got to drink my coconut water.Finger Bandaged and Ready to Race?So the next morning I got up at five, drove in the rain for two hours (should have been just over one, but as usual, I got lost--even with a map) and got to Wolf Mountain Ski resort which is just about Eden, UT. So the run, or should I say slippery scramble was tough. I worked really hard straight up and then straight down some very steep slopes. Today, I still have tender noodle legs to prove it! Luckily I was rewarded!Me After Winning the Xterra Utah 10K Trail Run-First Woman Overall!So from there, I bounced around the venue for a few minutes apologized to John, race director for bailing before the awards ceremony and drove fast and mostly legally back to SLC for the Sugarhouse criterium race in the Women's Pro I, II, III field. I got there just in time to register, get by bike out, and realize I had no socks, my legs were plastered in mud still, and I forgot my short sleeve jersey. Luckily it was cool and I did have my long sleeve jersey. I went sans socks (I do it way too often and have the ugly feet to prove it!) and by the time I got that figured out, ended up racing in my tri shorts instead of bike shorts--who needs a nice thick chamois anyway?-apparently not me! Unfortunately, I shot my legs in the trail run and ended up not making the break when it happened. I had to leave that race just being glad I got there in time and had a fun time pretending like I was a roadie again for 45 minutes!After my race, I watched a super fun Master's 35+ crit with Art, Matt, and Isaac (all teammates of mine have awesome races! It was great to finally see Art in a race this year. Hopefully the pattern continues!!! I don't have any pics of the actual race, but this one of Matt at home after he raced the Masters AS WELL AS the Pro I, II race is priceless.Other priceless pics of the day:Future bicycle hero. Right now he is my hero for putting up with a crazy mommyMy good friend and local superhero Burke Swindlehurst putting the hurt on the entire Men's Pro field. Next life I wish for an engine like his. A happy Art and Lucy toward the end of an awesome day of racing fun!


BAM Weekend!


Draper and Sundance ICUP Races