
So Mommy T tagged me. I suppose this means like her I'm supposed to disclose 5 things about myself others might not know. The problem is, is all I do is talk about me. Doesn't everyone know everything? Hmmm...... I put some things, but bear with me if it's common knowledge.1) I was first a dancer before a cyclist/tri-girl. I danced from 3 to age 20 when I got hit by a car and broke my patella. This led me to getting basically kicked out of the modern dance program at the U. Which in turn left more time for biking and running. LUCKY ME!!!---I do miss dancing sometimes still....2) I had 2 types of jobs in high school. I framed houses for my dad and I also baby-sat and cleaned some of my neighbor's houses.3) My nicknames growing up were: School friends called me Ciesle and Crazy Rach (that one still comes up a lot), My dad called me Rachel Sue (long story) and my favorite neighborhood mom called me dancing vegetarian, or running vegetarian when she saw me out, and it was Cinderella when I cleaned her house (I always wondered if she knew my real name).4) I used to be a science geek. My science projects each year led me to the international competitions and also NASA had me go to their jet propulsion labs in Pasadena when I was a senior in high school to present some of my research. It's hard to believe Rachel's mind used to work like that. Word of advice. NEVER sustain brain trauma-not good for the mind :)5) I was given my first race bike by my friend Josh Henderson. I am forever thankful for him for dragging me to my first mountain bike race in St. George in 1999 where I was completely humiliated by the beginner's field. From that point forward, I knew I wanted to be a bike racer. I still want to be a bike racer/ tri-geek---Makes my world go round!So five other cyclists who need to disclose 5 things others might not know. Art, Sly, T-Bird, Jorge, & Danny R


Week After Christmas


Merry Christmas!